
For the MotherLand

For the MotherLand is a game concept that I have been playing around with for a few years now. During my sophomore year of high school, my art teacher was working on a project that was inspired by Soviet Propaganda. Since then, I have been greatly interested in Soviet Art and thought that it was an amazing style that could be translated well into video game art. The general idea is that you play a game that has a limited color palette and favors black and white mimicking the feeling of ink.

In 2006, I started my first project, attempting to make a game in Game Maker that felt like a pixellated Soviet Propaganda. I made a small project in two weeks and it even featured a two player multiplayer version. Then in 2008, as I began to become interested in Multiplayer genres and balancing, I decided to make a 4-player Multiplayer version of the game. It used the same graphics and engine as the first, but featured 4 nations- Soviet Russia, USA, Germany and Italy. Then in the Summer of 2009, I came back to the idea, and decided to translate For the MotherLand into a flash game. This game differs from the other two as it is a fixed screen arcade game. Click one of the images to learn more about the game.


Daniel Fornace | Drexel University | dan@danfornace.com | 2009

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