
Demo Reel 2009

Hello, and welcome to DanFornace.com. I'm currently studying Digital Media, hoping to break into the Animation and Gaming Industries. I'm still undecided on what I would like to specialize in, so during my school years I have put time and effort in many projects spanning across 3D Animation, Flash and Web Interactivity, 3D and 2D Game Design, and Graphic Design. While I continue my studies at Drexel University, I will keep updating my portfolio with the new skills I acquire. Check back often to see my recent progress!

Demo Reel Breakdown

1,8,14. Cat and Mouse - 3D Animation - Solo Project

  • Created the whole Animation from Concept to Storyboard to Production in 3 Weeks in the Spring of 2009.

2,12. Lord of the Smash - Game - Solo Project (Graphic Help)

  • A Lord of the Rings Fan Game started in 2002 that really picked up steam in the Summer of 2009.
  • Programmed, Designed and Sprited with help on Character Sprites, Menus, Backgrounds and Sounds.

3,11. Phantasms - 3D Animation - Group Project

  • A 3 Week Group Project done during the Spring of 2009 with two other group members.
  • Responsibilities included Modeling Deer and Wolf Heads, Modeling and Texturing Background Pieces, Camera and Lighting Work and Rendering.

4,10. For the Motherland Intro - 3D Animation - Solo Project

  • A 4 Week Animation done in the Winter of 2009.
  • Learned about Keyframing, and Maya Animation while experimenting with Toon Shader.

5. For the Motherland Flash - Game - Solo Project

  • A 2D Flash Game brought from Concept to Production in 10 Weeks during the Summer of 2009
  • Learned about Flash Programming, Frame-by-Frame Animation, and Font Use while experimenting with Layers and a unique art style.

6. Character Animation Action - 3D Animation - Solo Project

  • The Rig for this Model was created by Nick Avallone, a Grad Student of Drexel University.
  • Learned about recreating motion in Character Animation by recreating a goal by Peter Forsberg during the Fall of 2009.

7,14. Big 5 Brawl - 3D Game - Group Project

  • A 3D Fighter Designed in Unity brought from Concept to Prototype in 10 Weeks during the Fall of 2009.
  • Responsible for Modeling, Rigging, Painting Weights and Texturing of both Characters.

9. Shark Zodiac - Flash - Solo Project

  • An Interactive Flash Application made during the Winter of 2009.
  • Learned about Flash programming, design and Animation.

Daniel Fornace | Drexel University | dan@danfornace.com | 2009

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