
The Lord of the Smash

LotS around the Web!


With Beta v3, Lord of the Smash saw alot of plays and downloads and can now be found many places around the webs. Some fans in Turkey even managed to find my game and post it for discussion, check out some of the discussions!

2Bee Games Entry (English)

YoYoGames Entry (English)

GameCog Entry (English)

Game Maker Community Forum (English)

Smash Boards Forum (English)

The White Tree Forums (Turkish)

Hamachi Turk (Turkish)

Middle Earth Center Forums (English)

All is Brawl Community Forums (English)

I am also hard at work on the next Demo and am evaluating ways to make each character have more of a unique playing style. Right now, the current plan is to make 3 specials for each character using the range button. So you would have an Up Special, a Range Attack and then a Down Special. However this is still all theory and could change in the coming weeks. I will keep you updated.

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Beta v3 Released!


The third Beta of Lord of the Smash is finally available to the masses. Check out the Range Revamp, Gimli's and Gondor Warrior's new Specials and one level of Arcade Mode! Also many glitches have been fixed with a few more being reworked in the next coming weeks. Download Today! Here's a video showing the new stage!

Check out the new Screenshots by clicking here.

Go find it at the download section or click here.

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Beta v3 Coming Soon


The Lord of the Smash is still in Development with many new features coming your way later this fall.

Gimli finally gets a special attack. The first level of Single Player is available in either Co-op or Single Player. Range Projectiles have been completely revamped. Characters have been changed to add more uniqueness - such as run speeds, jump heights and special jump heights. Check it out sometime in October/November 2009!

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Beta v2 Online


The Lord of the Smash Website is still under construction but the second version of Beta is now out with more usability and music!

Go find it at the download section or click here. Also, check out the comments for the game at Smashboards.com

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Beta v1 Online


The Lord of the Smash part of DanFornace.com is up and running. Check out the Screenshots, Character Information, Game Description and Downloads.

The first version of the Beta was just uploaded to the website. Go on and check it out under Downloads or click here.

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Daniel Fornace | Drexel University | dan@danfornace.com | 2009

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