
For the MotherLand

Multiplayer Version - 2008

My second delve into Soviet Russia was more an experiment in a new type of Multiplayer game rather than a homage to the Propaganda Art Style. I took the engine from my first For the Motherland Game and updated it to be a four player war game. To do so, I introduced 2 new colors to the art style: Yellow, representing Germany and Green representing Italy. The idea of the game is that these 4 countries are duking it out in Cold War Soviet Russia.

The gameplay in this version is very unique. Once again the game is a platform shooter, but instead of exploration, the game pits you directly against all three other players. Each player starts in a base located in the corners of the screen. Each base is fortified with CPU soldiers that fight for your side, and they are protecting the flag at the end of your base. Each player must try to be the first player to reach the three flags at the end of everyone else's base. This creates a very unique type of gameplay where players are teaming up to take out strong bases only to possibly betray each other to get ahead. Only one person can win and this creates a strange and exciting cycle of attack and defense.

The main part of the game that makes this Multiplayer adventure exciting are powerups. Inside each base there are 3 powerups that are spawned randomly to be different powers. The most common powerup is an 'R' for Reinforcement, which allows you 3 more soldiers in your base. The next rarest is an 'H' for Health which gives you 50% of your healthbar. Next is a 'D' which puts a Door outside of your base that enemies must shoot down before they can enter. The next is an 'L' which gives you a landmine that you can drop by pressing the down key. Land mines blow up when an enemy player or CPU hits them. The next is a 'T' which puts a Turret outside your base that you can use to shoot coming enemies. The next is a different styled 'R" which gives you 40 shots of rapid fire. And the last is another styled 'T' which puts a CPU Tank in your base.

The game can be played with one or two players but it is the most fun and challenging if you can have four people. I highly recommend you purchase a USB Controller such as this one from Amazon.com, and open the Joy2Key application that is including with the Zip. This will allow you to have 2 people playing with Controllers and only 2 with the keyboard.
Download the Game Now by Clicking Here

For the Mother Land

Daniel Fornace | Drexel University | dan@danfornace.com | 2009

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