
For the MotherLand

Game Maker Version - 2006

My first For the Mother Land project was made in Game Maker in two weeks. It featured pixel art made of 4 colors - red, blue, white and black. I editted Advance Wars Sprites to make all the characters and drew the backgrounds out of 4x4 pixel squares. The game does not resemble a Soviet Poster exactly but rather it looks like a NES Soviet Game.


In the game, you folow the short story of a Soviet Soldier investigating Americans in the Motherland. You encounter one American who tells you of a secret weapon that is stored in Alaska. You make it your duty to find and destroy this machine.


The first For the Motherland is a platform shooter with very simple controls. All you can do is run jump and shoot and enemies only take one kill. However, this is some of the appeal and strategy that is reminiscent of NES titles from years ago. Your healthbar is the Soviet Sickle while your lives are dots that can be found in the Soviet Hammer.


The game also features fun multiplayer with two players, and 8-bit Russian songs that help keeep the Soviet feel.
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For the Mother Land

Daniel Fornace | Drexel University | dan@danfornace.com | 2009

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